Jumat, 04 November 2016


1.     Making An Inquiry
Function : When you are requesting more information about a product or service. This type of business letter tends to include specific information such as product type, as well as asking for further details in the from of brochures, catalog, telephone cintact, etc. Making inquiries can also help you keep up on your  competition. Use this letter template to ensure you receive a prompt reply.

Ketika anda menanyakan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai produk atau jasa. Maka Jenis surat bisnisseperti ini yang cenderung diberikan untuk memberikan informasi tertentu seperti jenis produk, serta rincian lebih lanjut yang terkandung dalam brosur, katalog, contact telepon, dll. Membuat suratpermohonan penawaran juga dapat membantu anda tetap bersaing didunia kerja. Dengan menggunakan  ini untuk memastikan anda menerima balasan secepatnya.

Contoh Inquiry Letter:
Jln. Merah Kuning Hijau No. 45
Jakarta 200020

Ref : BB/AD/75A
24 October, 2014

Johnson Smith & Carlson Ltd
17 Fifth Avenue Street
Los Angels, LA

Dear Sirs,
We have seen your advertisement in the International News edition 20 october 2014, we are interested to buy different types of equipment and stationery that you offer.

For that we ask you can send some of the information that we need the following
1.      Details of the items in more detail
2.      price list
3.      How to purchase the following method of payment

Booking will we do once we learn and reconsider the above information we receive. Hopefully this letter be a good beginning of cooperation between our companies.

Yours faithfully,

Purchase Manager

2.     Sales Letters
Function : Are used to introduce new products to new customers and past client. It’s important to outline an important problem that needs to be solved and provide the solution in sales letters. This example letter provides an outline, as well as important phrases to use when sending out a wide variety of sales letters. Sales letters can be improved through  the use of personalization in some means in order to ensure attention.

Biasa digunakan untuk memperkenalkan produk baru kepada pelanggan baru maupun kepada klien lama. Dalam surat ini lebih ditekankan kepada masalah yang harus diselesaikan serta menyediakan solusinya. Contoh surat ini memberikan garis besar, serta informasi penting untuk digunakan ketika mengirimkan berbagai macam jenis surat penjualan. Surat penjualan dapat ditingkatkan tergantungmacam kebutuhan tertentu, dan situasinya.

Contoh Sales Letter:

Jalan H. Bakrie 14

                                                                                               28 Mei 2013
Manajer of Mac Amy
Jalan Pemuda 48

Dear Mr John,

Are you have problem with your lunch? If you are, we from Pakar Bebek Restaurant present to help you can make a easy and delicious lunch.

We is fried duck restaurant, that have special offer to you. Beside we open the restaurant, now we can delivery service. If you will, you can call service number 029888 and this offer FREE from delivery cost. So, what you wait? Call we now.

Pakar Bebek Restauran have great menu that is hot freid duck, duck soup, peking duck, crazy duck, fat duck and etc. In this letter we enclose menu list with the price.

So, we wait for you call. Thanks for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Arum Pakar

3.     Replying to an Inquiry 

Function : Are one of the most important business letters that you write. Successfully replying to an inquiry can help you complete a sale or lead to new sales. Customers who make inquiries are interested in specific information, and are excellent business prospects. Learn how to thank the customers, provide as much information as possible, as well as make a call to action for a positive outcome.

Adalah salah satu surat bisnis yang paling penting yang anda tulis. Keberhasilan anda merespon surat penawaran yang anda terima, dapat membantu anda mendapatkan penjualan pada pelanggan lama anda ataupun membawa anda kepada penjualan baru pada pelanggan baru. Pelanggan yang membuat surat permohonan penawaran lebih tertarik pada informasi yang spesifik, dan prospek bisnis yang baik. Pelajari cara untuk berterima kasih kepada pelanggan, memberikan informasi sebanyak mungkin, serta menindak lanjutin lewat telepon untuk mendapatkan hasil yang positif.

Contoh Replying to an Inquiry:
27th September 2011
Your Ref. : KM/LS
Our Ref. : RG/AE
Herjuno busana & Co.
No 208 Jl Cipaganti
Bandung 40131, West Java
Dear Mrs Karmila,
We thanks you for your inquiry about our mountleband mens shirts product.
We are enclosing our catalogue together with prices and terms, for your review and are confident that this catalogue will provide many of
the answers you have inquired.
We are also pleased to inform you that we will allow you a 9% discount on order of 50 pieces.
We hope you will find our prices and terms satisfactory and expecting your order as soon as possible.
If there is additional information you would like to know regarding our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be most happy to be of assistance.
Yours faithfully,
Robert Goh

Sales Manager

4.     Account Terms and Condition

Function : When a new customer opens an account it is essential to inform them of account terms and conditions. If you run a small business, it is common to provide these terms and conditions in the form of a letter. This guide provides a clear example on which you can base you own business letters providing account terms and conditions.

 Ketika pelanggan baru membuka rekening adalah penting untuk memberitahu mereka tentang syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Jika anda menjalankan bisnis kecil, ini adalah hal yang umum untuk menyediakan syarat dan ketentuan dalam bentuk surat. Panduan ini memberikan contoh yang jelas di mana anda dapat membuat surat bisnis anda sendiri yang menyertakan syarat dan kondisi akun.

Contoh Account Terms and Condition:

Dear Mountleband Corporation, 
Thank you for opening an account with our company. As one of the leaders in this industry, we can assure you that our products and our services will not disappoint you.

I would like to take this opportunity to briefly set forth our terms and conditions for maintaining an open account with our firm. Invoices are payable within 30 days of receipt, with a 2% discount available if your payment is remitted within ten (10) days of receipt. We consider this incentive an excellent opportunity for our customers to increase their profit margin, and therefore encourage the use of this discount privilege whenever possible. We do, however, require that our invoices be paid within the specified time, for our customers to take advantage of this 2% discount.

At various times throughout the year we may offer our customers additional discounts on our products. In determining your cost in this case, you must apply your special discount first, and then calculate your 2% discount for early payment. 
As the credit manager, I will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your new account. I can be reached at the above number. Welcome to our family of customers. 

5.      Letters of Acknowledgment

Function : For legal purposes letters of acknowledgment are often requested. These letters are also referred to as letters of receipt and tend to be rather formal and short. These two example letters will provide you with a template to use in your own work and can be easily adaptend for a number of purposes.

 Untuk absahan hokum, surat kesepahaman sering diminta. Surat-surat ini juga dikaitkan sebagai surat persetujuan dan isinya cenderung agak formal dan lebih pendek. Kedua contoh surat ini akan disediakan bagi anda disertai dengan contoh yang dapat digunakan dalam pekerjaan anda sendiri dan dapat dengan mudah dipraktekkan untuk beberapa tujuan.

Contoh Letters of Acknowledgement:

John street 5557
London 240D
Our ref       : RM/JM
Your ref     : EK/EN
7 July 2009
Mr. Eko Rusmansyah
Marketing Manager
Jln. Narogong Raya no. 13
Bogor 16820
Dear Mr. Rusmansyah
Acknowledge order of no. 007
We are pleased to have your order dated 3 July and are they will send as soon as possible. It is pleasure to have opportunity of supplying you and we are sure you will be satisfied. The settlement of the order will be by a sight draft through cash and delivery to our bank AMCU. We are now making up your order.
We hope you will find the goods satisfactory and look forward to receiving your further order.
Your sincerely,
Robert Michel
Sales Marketing

6.     Placing an Order

Function : As a business person, you will often place an order- especially if you have a large supply chain for your product. This example business letter provides an outline to make sure your order placement is clear so that you receive exactly what you order.

Sebagai seorang pebisnis, anda akan sering membuat pesanan, terutama jika anda memiliki rantai pasokan yang besar untuk produk anda. Jenis surat bisnis seperti  ini memberikan garis besar untuk memastikan penempatan pesanan anda jelas sehingga anda menerima tepat seperti apa yang andapesan.

Contoh Placing an Order:

Jl. Perumnas 105
Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia
Ph. 0274- 677511, Fax: 0274- 677512

March 06, 2010

Caterpillar Co.
P.O Box 2004, New York
NY 34556 USA

Dear Sir/Madame:

Thank you for sending us the catalogue. It arrived within 3 days of my request. I am interested in the product on your catalogue. Please send us the following items by UPS service COD.

No.  Type          Color     Size   Ref. No.  Qty    Price @     Extension
1     Forklift 5i   Black   Med   0-3456      1       $7500         $7500

2    Forklift 5i   White   Med   0-3456      1       $7500         $7500
Amount                                                                                   $15000
ShippingCost                                                                                0
Discount 10%                                                                            $1500
Total amount                                                                          $13500
50% of total amount                                                                $6750
TOTAL                                                                                     $6750
A bank money order of $6750 is enclosed, which represent the minimum payment of 50%.
We will be very grateful if all the items arrive before April 30, 2010 if you can manage it. Thank you.

Faithfully yours,



7.     Making a claim

Function : Unfortunately, from time to time it is necessary to make a claim against unsatisfactory work. This example business letter provides a strong example of a claim letter and includes  important phrases to express your dissatisfaction and future expectations when making a claim.

Sayangnya, dari waktu ke waktu hal ini diperlukan untuk membuat klaim terhadap pekerjaan yang tidak memuaskan. Jenis surat bisnis seperti ini  memberikan contoh yang kuat dari surat klaim dan termasuk frase penting untuk mengungkapkan ketidakpuasan anda dan ekspektasi di masa depan ketika membuat klaim.

Contoh Making a Claim Letter:

Drivers Co.
3489 Greene Ave.

Olympia, WA 98502
August 17, 2001
Richard Brown, President
Document Makers
Salem, MA 34588
Dear Mr. Brown:
As someone who has worked with your company for over 3 years, we were very disappointed to see the documents you produced for our latest Drivers Co. publicity campaign.
As our written agreement stipulated, we expected full color leaflets with fancy explanatory texts, but instead, we found that black and white photos had been included in the prepared leaflets. I think you will agree that a communication problem exists.
We would like you to send out a photographer to provide us with the promised color coverage, or provide us with a refund.
Yours truly,
(signature here)
Thomas R. Smith,

8.     Adjusting a claim

Function : Even the best business may make a mistake from time to time. In this case, you may be called upon to adjust a claim. This type of business letter provides and example to send to unsatisfied customer making sure that your address their specific concerns, as well as retain them as future customers.

Bahkan bisnis yang sangat baik pun dapat membuat kesalahan dari waktu ke waktu. Dalam hal ini, anda mungkin diminta untuk menyesuaikan klaim. Jenis surat bisnis seperti ini menyediakan dan contoh untuk mengirim ke pelanggan puas memastikan bahwa alamat anda keprihatinan khusus mereka, serta mempertahankan mereka sebagai pelanggan masa depan.

Contoh Adjusting a Claim Letter:

juli 17, 2010
Ms. Shelia
Dear Ms. sheila:
we received a letter from you on the 16th of juli about shipping errors.
We apologize for the error.
goods that you order will be sent back to you, and we will give a discount on these billing errors. once again we are very sorry for the incident.
Sincerely yours

customer service manager

9.      Cover letters

Function : Are extremely importans when applying for a new position. Cover letter should include a short introduction, highlight the most important information in your resume and elicit a positive response from your prospective employer. These two examples of cover letter are part of a larger section on the site providing all the information you will need on talking and interview in an English during your job search.

Merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting saat melamar posisi baru. Surat lamaran harus mencakup pengenalan singkat, kedepankan informasi yang paling penting dalam resume anda dan usahakan untuk mendapatkan respon positif dari calon bos anda. Kedua contoh surat lamaran ini merupakan bagian dari bagian yang lebih besar di situs yang menyediakan semua informasi yang anda butuhkan pada saat kita berbicara dan wawancara dalam bahasa Inggris selama pencarian kerja.

Contoh Cover Letter:
Cover Letter

October 31, 2010
Herman Reddfield
Chief  Financial Officer
795 Gilmour St.
Apt. 508
Chicago, II, 60611

Ms. Karen Lambton
Chief  Financial Officer
Dynamic Soluction
2005 40th St.
Norh Bergen, Nj 07045

Dear Ms. Lambton

Furthen to your telephone inquiry yesterday, enclose is a copy of Merrick’s Annual Report for the 2009-2010 operating year.
 1.     Making An Inquiry
Function : When you are requesting more information about a product or service. This type of business letter tends to include specific information such as product type, as well as asking for further details in the from of brochures, catalog, telephone cintact, etc. Making inquiries can also help you keep up on your  competition. Use this letter template to ensure you receive a prompt reply.

Ketika anda menanyakan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai produk atau jasa. Maka Jenis surat bisnisseperti ini yang cenderung diberikan untuk memberikan informasi tertentu seperti jenis produk, serta rincian lebih lanjut yang terkandung dalam brosur, katalog, contact telepon, dll. Membuat suratpermohonan penawaran juga dapat membantu anda tetap bersaing didunia kerja. Dengan menggunakan  ini untuk memastikan anda menerima balasan secepatnya.

Contoh Inquiry Letter:
Jln. Merah Kuning Hijau No. 45
Jakarta 200020

Ref : BB/AD/75A
24 October, 2014

Johnson Smith & Carlson Ltd
17 Fifth Avenue Street
Los Angels, LA

Dear Sirs,
We have seen your advertisement in the International News edition 20 october 2014, we are interested to buy different types of equipment and stationery that you offer.

For that we ask you can send some of the information that we need the following
1.      Details of the items in more detail
2.      price list
3.      How to purchase the following method of payment

Booking will we do once we learn and reconsider the above information we receive. Hopefully this letter be a good beginning of cooperation between our companies.

Yours faithfully,

Purchase Manager

2.     Sales Letters
Function : Are used to introduce new products to new customers and past client. It’s important to outline an important problem that needs to be solved and provide the solution in sales letters. This example letter provides an outline, as well as important phrases to use when sending out a wide variety of sales letters. Sales letters can be improved through  the use of personalization in some means in order to ensure attention.

Biasa digunakan untuk memperkenalkan produk baru kepada pelanggan baru maupun kepada klien lama. Dalam surat ini lebih ditekankan kepada masalah yang harus diselesaikan serta menyediakan solusinya. Contoh surat ini memberikan garis besar, serta informasi penting untuk digunakan ketika mengirimkan berbagai macam jenis surat penjualan. Surat penjualan dapat ditingkatkan tergantungmacam kebutuhan tertentu, dan situasinya.

Contoh Sales Letter:

Jalan H. Bakrie 14

                                                                                               28 Mei 2013
Manajer of Mac Amy
Jalan Pemuda 48

Dear Mr John,

Are you have problem with your lunch? If you are, we from Pakar Bebek Restaurant present to help you can make a easy and delicious lunch.

We is fried duck restaurant, that have special offer to you. Beside we open the restaurant, now we can delivery service. If you will, you can call service number 029888 and this offer FREE from delivery cost. So, what you wait? Call we now.

Pakar Bebek Restauran have great menu that is hot freid duck, duck soup, peking duck, crazy duck, fat duck and etc. In this letter we enclose menu list with the price.

So, we wait for you call. Thanks for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Arum Pakar

3.     Replying to an Inquiry 

Function : Are one of the most important business letters that you write. Successfully replying to an inquiry can help you complete a sale or lead to new sales. Customers who make inquiries are interested in specific information, and are excellent business prospects. Learn how to thank the customers, provide as much information as possible, as well as make a call to action for a positive outcome.

Adalah salah satu surat bisnis yang paling penting yang anda tulis. Keberhasilan anda merespon surat penawaran yang anda terima, dapat membantu anda mendapatkan penjualan pada pelanggan lama anda ataupun membawa anda kepada penjualan baru pada pelanggan baru. Pelanggan yang membuat surat permohonan penawaran lebih tertarik pada informasi yang spesifik, dan prospek bisnis yang baik. Pelajari cara untuk berterima kasih kepada pelanggan, memberikan informasi sebanyak mungkin, serta menindak lanjutin lewat telepon untuk mendapatkan hasil yang positif.

Contoh Replying to an Inquiry:
27th September 2011
Your Ref. : KM/LS
Our Ref. : RG/AE
Herjuno busana & Co.
No 208 Jl Cipaganti
Bandung 40131, West Java
Dear Mrs Karmila,
We thanks you for your inquiry about our mountleband mens shirts product.
We are enclosing our catalogue together with prices and terms, for your review and are confident that this catalogue will provide many of
the answers you have inquired.
We are also pleased to inform you that we will allow you a 9% discount on order of 50 pieces.
We hope you will find our prices and terms satisfactory and expecting your order as soon as possible.
If there is additional information you would like to know regarding our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be most happy to be of assistance.
Yours faithfully,
Robert Goh

Sales Manager

4.     Account Terms and Condition

Function : When a new customer opens an account it is essential to inform them of account terms and conditions. If you run a small business, it is common to provide these terms and conditions in the form of a letter. This guide provides a clear example on which you can base you own business letters providing account terms and conditions.

 Ketika pelanggan baru membuka rekening adalah penting untuk memberitahu mereka tentang syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Jika anda menjalankan bisnis kecil, ini adalah hal yang umum untuk menyediakan syarat dan ketentuan dalam bentuk surat. Panduan ini memberikan contoh yang jelas di mana anda dapat membuat surat bisnis anda sendiri yang menyertakan syarat dan kondisi akun.

Contoh Account Terms and Condition:

Dear Mountleband Corporation, 
Thank you for opening an account with our company. As one of the leaders in this industry, we can assure you that our products and our services will not disappoint you.

I would like to take this opportunity to briefly set forth our terms and conditions for maintaining an open account with our firm. Invoices are payable within 30 days of receipt, with a 2% discount available if your payment is remitted within ten (10) days of receipt. We consider this incentive an excellent opportunity for our customers to increase their profit margin, and therefore encourage the use of this discount privilege whenever possible. We do, however, require that our invoices be paid within the specified time, for our customers to take advantage of this 2% discount.

At various times throughout the year we may offer our customers additional discounts on our products. In determining your cost in this case, you must apply your special discount first, and then calculate your 2% discount for early payment. 
As the credit manager, I will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your new account. I can be reached at the above number. Welcome to our family of customers. 

5.      Letters of Acknowledgment

Function : For legal purposes letters of acknowledgment are often requested. These letters are also referred to as letters of receipt and tend to be rather formal and short. These two example letters will provide you with a template to use in your own work and can be easily adaptend for a number of purposes.

 Untuk absahan hokum, surat kesepahaman sering diminta. Surat-surat ini juga dikaitkan sebagai surat persetujuan dan isinya cenderung agak formal dan lebih pendek. Kedua contoh surat ini akan disediakan bagi anda disertai dengan contoh yang dapat digunakan dalam pekerjaan anda sendiri dan dapat dengan mudah dipraktekkan untuk beberapa tujuan.

Contoh Letters of Acknowledgement:

John street 5557
London 240D
Our ref       : RM/JM
Your ref     : EK/EN
7 July 2009
Mr. Eko Rusmansyah
Marketing Manager
Jln. Narogong Raya no. 13
Bogor 16820
Dear Mr. Rusmansyah
Acknowledge order of no. 007
We are pleased to have your order dated 3 July and are they will send as soon as possible. It is pleasure to have opportunity of supplying you and we are sure you will be satisfied. The settlement of the order will be by a sight draft through cash and delivery to our bank AMCU. We are now making up your order.
We hope you will find the goods satisfactory and look forward to receiving your further order.
Your sincerely,
Robert Michel
Sales Marketing

6.     Placing an Order

Function : As a business person, you will often place an order- especially if you have a large supply chain for your product. This example business letter provides an outline to make sure your order placement is clear so that you receive exactly what you order.

Sebagai seorang pebisnis, anda akan sering membuat pesanan, terutama jika anda memiliki rantai pasokan yang besar untuk produk anda. Jenis surat bisnis seperti  ini memberikan garis besar untuk memastikan penempatan pesanan anda jelas sehingga anda menerima tepat seperti apa yang andapesan.

Contoh Placing an Order:

Jl. Perumnas 105
Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia
Ph. 0274- 677511, Fax: 0274- 677512

March 06, 2010

Caterpillar Co.
P.O Box 2004, New York
NY 34556 USA

Dear Sir/Madame:

Thank you for sending us the catalogue. It arrived within 3 days of my request. I am interested in the product on your catalogue. Please send us the following items by UPS service COD.

No.  Type          Color     Size   Ref. No.  Qty    Price @     Extension
1     Forklift 5i   Black   Med   0-3456      1       $7500         $7500

2    Forklift 5i   White   Med   0-3456      1       $7500         $7500
Amount                                                                                   $15000
ShippingCost                                                                                0
Discount 10%                                                                            $1500
Total amount                                                                          $13500
50% of total amount                                                                $6750
TOTAL                                                                                     $6750
A bank money order of $6750 is enclosed, which represent the minimum payment of 50%.
We will be very grateful if all the items arrive before April 30, 2010 if you can manage it. Thank you.

Faithfully yours,



7.     Making a claim

Function : Unfortunately, from time to time it is necessary to make a claim against unsatisfactory work. This example business letter provides a strong example of a claim letter and includes  important phrases to express your dissatisfaction and future expectations when making a claim.

Sayangnya, dari waktu ke waktu hal ini diperlukan untuk membuat klaim terhadap pekerjaan yang tidak memuaskan. Jenis surat bisnis seperti ini  memberikan contoh yang kuat dari surat klaim dan termasuk frase penting untuk mengungkapkan ketidakpuasan anda dan ekspektasi di masa depan ketika membuat klaim.

Contoh Making a Claim Letter:

Drivers Co.
3489 Greene Ave.

Olympia, WA 98502
August 17, 2001
Richard Brown, President
Document Makers
Salem, MA 34588
Dear Mr. Brown:
As someone who has worked with your company for over 3 years, we were very disappointed to see the documents you produced for our latest Drivers Co. publicity campaign.
As our written agreement stipulated, we expected full color leaflets with fancy explanatory texts, but instead, we found that black and white photos had been included in the prepared leaflets. I think you will agree that a communication problem exists.
We would like you to send out a photographer to provide us with the promised color coverage, or provide us with a refund.
Yours truly,
(signature here)
Thomas R. Smith,

8.     Adjusting a claim

Function : Even the best business may make a mistake from time to time. In this case, you may be called upon to adjust a claim. This type of business letter provides and example to send to unsatisfied customer making sure that your address their specific concerns, as well as retain them as future customers.

Bahkan bisnis yang sangat baik pun dapat membuat kesalahan dari waktu ke waktu. Dalam hal ini, anda mungkin diminta untuk menyesuaikan klaim. Jenis surat bisnis seperti ini menyediakan dan contoh untuk mengirim ke pelanggan puas memastikan bahwa alamat anda keprihatinan khusus mereka, serta mempertahankan mereka sebagai pelanggan masa depan.

Contoh Adjusting a Claim Letter:

juli 17, 2010
Ms. Shelia
Dear Ms. sheila:
we received a letter from you on the 16th of juli about shipping errors.
We apologize for the error.
goods that you order will be sent back to you, and we will give a discount on these billing errors. once again we are very sorry for the incident.
Sincerely yours

customer service manager

9.      Cover letters

Function : Are extremely importans when applying for a new position. Cover letter should include a short introduction, highlight the most important information in your resume and elicit a positive response from your prospective employer. These two examples of cover letter are part of a larger section on the site providing all the information you will need on talking and interview in an English during your job search.

Merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting saat melamar posisi baru. Surat lamaran harus mencakup pengenalan singkat, kedepankan informasi yang paling penting dalam resume anda dan usahakan untuk mendapatkan respon positif dari calon bos anda. Kedua contoh surat lamaran ini merupakan bagian dari bagian yang lebih besar di situs yang menyediakan semua informasi yang anda butuhkan pada saat kita berbicara dan wawancara dalam bahasa Inggris selama pencarian kerja.

Contoh Cover Letter:
Cover Letter

October 31, 2010
Herman Reddfield
Chief  Financial Officer
795 Gilmour St.
Apt. 508
Chicago, II, 60611

Ms. Karen Lambton
Chief  Financial Officer
Dynamic Soluction
2005 40th St.
Norh Bergen, Nj 07045

Dear Ms. Lambton

Furthen to your telephone inquiry yesterday, enclose is a copy of Merrick’s Annual Report for the 2009-2010 operating year.

As I mentioned, the financial result in terms or earminings pershare need to be qualified as per the notes include on pages 28 and 29. As explained there, we had number of extraordinary transaction last year which caused the earnings picture to appear understated in comparrison with  what we expect fot this year. In fact, it is our firm expectation that this year’s per share earnings figures will be twice that of last year.

With respect to the numerous questions you had regarding our publishing operations, would you please have a look at the summary of operations on pages 31 to 33. Thereis plenty of specific detail there that will likely answer most of your questions i will put you in touch with those who will be able to.
Thanks very much for your interest in Merrick Industries. If I don’t hear from you in the meantime, I look forward to getting your feedback at the NovemberCFO Society meeting.
Your sincerely,

Herman Reddfield
Chief Financial Officer
As I mentioned, the financial result in terms or earminings pershare need to be qualified as per the notes include on pages 28 and 29. As explained there, we had number of extraordinary transaction last year which caused the earnings picture to appear understated in comparrison with  what we expect fot this year. In fact, it is our firm expectation that this year’s per share earnings figures will be twice that of last year.

With respect to the numerous questions you had regarding our publishing operations, would you please have a look at the summary of operations on pages 31 to 33. Thereis plenty of specific detail there that will likely answer most of your questions i will put you in touch with those who will be able to.
Thanks very much for your interest in Merrick Industries. If I don’t hear from you in the meantime, I look forward to getting your feedback at the NovemberCFO Society meeting.
Your sincerely,

Herman Reddfield
Chief Financial Officer


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